Friday, March 16, 2007

Report, The Ides of March 2007

As predicted, the authorities moved me from Special Ed to another assignment, SRS, which means hall monitor, which means reading the newspaper all morning and handing out detentions to latecomers.  Teachers were in the hallway, arguing about the Chief. This morning, my computer clogged up and I had to rush out of the house without resolving the issue of no space on the "C" drive.  Neither did I have time to meditate or research the vagina picture in the Daily Illini.
Vaginas and the G-Spot were the subjects of discussion at poker. The booby prize won by Spike was a DVD of the new movie, Shortbus, which -- I hope my warning is not too late -- he should burn in the backyard rather than risk relinquishing his purity.
I could have done the crossword puzzle, sitting here in the hallway at station 1F, (note to TW: the Brazilian dance is MAXIXI and the actress named KELLY was not GRACE, but MOIRA), and I still feel enslaved and tortured by the IRS, but I will see if I can reconstruct last night's game from memory.
Maybe I wasn't paying close enough attention.  Half the time I didn't even know what game we were playing.  I can't remember.  There were some unusual hands, though.  Spike invented a hi-ball game that was convoluted (I didn't understand it at all), but turned out to be kind of fun.  I know we discussed Catholic mass and JD encouraged me to attend on Easter, since I lack ritual in my life. (Too much anarchy.)
"What are we going to do about the News-Gazette?" JD asked at one point.  Local news was discussed.  The Admiral suggested we place odds on when Gonzales will resign.  He says April 1.  I say May 1. 
I think we played too much Criss-Cross.  In various rounds of Baseball New Rules, no "3" turned up to force a doubling of the pot. 
We discussed Bush speaking Spanish at the Mexican ruins and the necessary exorcism of the space by Mayan priests. 
In short, I suppose the name of the evening could be called "Low Ball, Nothing Matters."
After the game, Lee and I opened a bottle of French wine I had bought for her birthday.  I bought it because I had never bought a very expensive bottle of wine before and I thought of washing the feet of Jesus with oil and how sometimes we need to be extravagant.  Uncorked, decanted, in new goblets, the wine was studied and tasted.  We drank the earthy liquid, more meaty than fruity, rich, deep, and haunting.  It was a success. Jon Stewart babbled on about Bush in Latin America ("Donde estoy?") and we were transported to the place where life is low key and nothing matters.

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