Thursday, August 03, 2006

escape velocity (guest blog by bubbles)

refer to this video

"take your work today
was good
i like when the horse turns into an elephant and the scary truck on
the dirt road you must get repetitive strain injury all that leaning
out to the side you should have a special vehicle that lets you be
in the middle of the car and can reach easily r or l
i watched it with interpol on and it was beautiful. was there a
hitchhiker in the cornfield with his overalls down to his waist. it
went by so fast,
i watched the movie sipping valerian tea washing down ambien cr, it;s
nice when make you clumsyf lumsy.sort of like drunk but clean like
your not going to throw up and your not bloated and you don't have to
keep drinking your set as soon as you swallow.
it's real sticky and hot here but the only time i feel yucky is in
the air condition places, they bring me down. just lets not have all
this air conditioning. i sit by a fan on a towel on a chair and a
wife beater and am cool. need another spot of tea.
my schedule this summer is what i have chosen to do orkind of what i
do without pretense. possible that some ambition is not there. i
write these little tidbits of journaling and throw in a photo and
think i am doing art. i don't have any story to tell. for a rocket to
get past the earths orbit, it has to go 25thousand miles an hour, its
called ev escape velocity. i need to get some ev going somewhere in me.
i see there is yet another allen johannsen movie coming out.
the smartest thing allen did in matchpoint was not be in it. this hew
movie looks like match point except he gets a chance at her. it looks
really embarrasing. wonder what that child he bought and married
thinks of this,"

for more of bubbles, see Scout Loves Bubbles at

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