Monday, October 15, 2007

Jerry Van Dyke, Craig T. Nelson

I might as well throw these two out at the same time, because they were at the same performance of "How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying" (the revival with Matthew Broderick, although I hesitate to mention that I saw the original, with Robert Morse, when I was in high school, my first musical) when we met Laurie Metcalf.

Both Van Dyke and Nelson, stars of the TV show "Coach" which I'd never seen, were wearing leather jackets and being escorted by sexy, younger women. Van Dyke was flanked by two. I stopped him in the aisle during intermission, since they were seated close by, and told him we lived thirty miles from where he grew up in Danville, Illinois.

"The old stomping grounds," he said.

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