Monday, December 31, 2007

end of the year

so maybe benazir bhutto died of a gunshot wound after all

now that the doctors say they were pressured to give a false official cause of death: "she bumped her head" they said

just the other day, i had explained to my sister-in-law how the head bump occurred.

i was well informed.

turns out, it was a lie.

before the war, any general who estimated it would cost more than 95 billion dollars got fired.

don't capitalists calculate success in profit and cost?

by that standard, "success" in iraq is a joke. (unless we steal the resources)

i am tired of reading lies.

i could give up reading the newspaper, i suppose.

become ignorant as a happy lily pad.

but that's what they're banking on.

and i do mean banking.

for anyone with a conscience and a brain,

life in America

is excruciating and banal

one can't even write a poem about it

new year's eve

i'm going to bed at 8 p.m.

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