Friday, December 14, 2007

Fwd: report

I apologize for not having posted more personal information in the
last couple of weeks.

Let me catch up a little.

TOM WAITS: Somehow, I was invited to his aftershow birthday party in
Chicago at a bar. Family and friends were there. We talked and drank
for a while. Later, I wrote an article for the News-Gazette about the
evening and the newspaper received a scathing postcard from Waits'
wife and collaborator, Kathleen Something (I would look it up, but I'm
working on an old iMac at the middle school in Urbana, where I am
subbing in advanced math class), who excoriated me for breaching their
privacy. Well, gee, I only said nice things. But anyway, it kind of
soured me on Waits after that.

CURT MCDOWELL: Filmmaker. Died with AIDS in the early years. I
stayed at his San Francisco apartment for a while and collaborated
with him on a movie that I've never seen. I read the narration. Curt
will never be famous and I doubt that his films will ever be put on
DVD. But some of us remember him fondly.

SAM FULLER: Filmmaker. Interviewed and spent time with him at Athens
Film Festival one year when I was a judge. Nice old coot, always
smoking his big cigars. His B movies are still striking in their
fierce bluntness and independence.

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