Monday, December 03, 2007

from senor espringer-melville

i have your hat, tu gorro.  if you want to come to poker thursday, please do.  we'll be having a farewell to filippo/rocky, since it's his last time.

this morning, one of the old computers in my office just wouldn't output anything to the monitor.  it is the computer i was using to compose my east bend mess.  i don't think i lost much (but even if i did, i didn't lose much, if you know what i mean).  maybe this will be the kickstart i need to actually write the thing.

i meant to ask you sunday what you were working on.

my problem with writing these book projects, is that all my enthusiasm is invested in the planning and outlining and once this brilliant strategy is laid out, then i have no oomph left to go through the writing, unless i take painstaking time to enjoy writing and rewriting every line.  kind of like the way it used to be when i was composing query letters to publications.  i took so much time writing a brilliant query, i had great success selling projects and then was stuck with the pain of actually writing the thing.

i'm sitting at the computer in the first grade classroom, waiting for the kids to come. 




1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had to look up gorro, thinking it might be something like "I have your hat, you cupcake". Nope - just "cap", according to altavista.

I'm working on my Christmas letter, or should be. It's hard to do, since I don't know what to say about what I'm doing. I have to say more than I'm working on a Christmas letter. I can't really say that I need direction or need to find my voice or I need to find myself, because the function of a Christmas letter is the opposite of all that.

I can't decide if I should only blog or never blog. Perhaps this is a false choice. It is certainly a distraction, but maybe that's ok for now.

Maybe I just need to play poker. But not this Thu, because I have a kid's concert to go to. I'll be back though, so help me Dios, and I will win back that 20 cents.