Sunday, August 27, 2006

Esta Mañana No Pasa Nada de Importancia

I overslept this morning by 45 minutes, waking up at 4:10. I flew out the door, loaded the papers, and set about breaking rural speed limits in the dark. I also gave up the idea of watching any movies this morning.

But I listened to the new Los Lobos album, The Town and the City. It doesn't come out in the States until September 12, so there was that "first on my block" feeling. What I especially like about Los Lobos is their Spanglishness; they just don't bother to distinguish between English and Spanish at all, using both languages in a single lyric, or in a single line of a lyric, for that matter. The songs are pretty well divided here, some English and some Spanish. I listened two times straight through while plunking papers in tubes. More of those mushrooms spouted up on lawns in fairy rings in abundance: huge, white, otherworldly. I got done with delivery at 8:03 and the Homer cop apparently slept through my occasional 80-mph zips past cornfields.

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