Thursday, October 25, 2007

Stephen Gaskin

I had to postpone an earlier post until it appears in the newspaper, for those who may wonder what happened to it.

Anyway, I met Stephen Gaskin at a book signing years after his 1960s hippie bible appeared in San Francisco. Were the Grateful Dead referring to him in the song "St. Stephen"?

Here's what the Amazon review says about the book:

Book Description
Monday Night Class, a weekly event in San Francisco conducted by Stephen Gaskin during the heyday of the hippies, attracted over 2,000 people each week. This new edition is a collection of the original transcripts from these historic meetings, with new commentary by Stephen from today's persepective.

About the Author
Stephen Gaskin is an active speaker on the alternative lifestyles circuit and was inducted into the Counter Culture Hall of Fame in Amsterdam in November 2004. In the 60s he ws renknown as a "hippie guru" and along with 250 of his students founded The Farm, one of the largest alternative communities in the U.S. He lives on The Farm in Tennessee.

My early edition (with only the mandala, not the title), was inscribed by Gaskin years after publication. He wrote, "To Greg, who was part of Monday Night Class, too. Stephen Gaskin."

Everything since the 1960s has been, at best, a simulation of reality, the raw energy of those days. What generation is going to come up with something truly revolutionary? When? Are we all just going to melt?


Anonymous said...

Things aint like they used to be
and they never were

Anonymous said...

I have to disagree that this time is any less juicy than the sixties. I can see how it appears it may be so or that we need another revolutionary generation, but this isn't true, or else that revolution would have suceeded It didn't because that's not how things work. YOU become enlightened then everything is perfect. Not on the outside, that always needs work, but you become perfect and an instrument for change for others.